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We have got 32 Products from total
1 Sellers.


We have got 607 Products from total
16 Sellers.


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155 Sellers.


We have got 1632 Products from total
160 Sellers.


We have got 2 Products from total
1 Sellers.


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Find the answers for the most frequently asked questions below

How do I sign up for a seller account on sourceyourbom.com ?

Ans : Signing up for an account on sourceyourbom.com is quick, easy and completely free! Sign up on sourceyourbom.com right side corner, please click and follow the instructions.

Once you have signed up, a confirmation message will be sent to your email with instructions.

How do I LOG IN & LOG OUT of my account ?

Ans : Simply click on the "Log In" button from right side corner and enter your email and password.

"Log Out" click on your account/picture, drop drown menu will come forward then click on "Log out" option.

How do I create sell post?

Ans : Posting an ad is quick and easy! If you are not logged in, you will need to log in as the first step of posting your ad. Log in your account than click on "create product" after completing required data click on "POST" button.

How does sourceyourbom.com make money ?

Ans: sourceyourbom.com offers paid features, membership and services that help people promote their ads, facilitate the sales of advertised items, and give businesses a bigger online presence.

How do I get the order message ?

Ans: sourceyourbom.com will send you every request of buyer via SMS or email.

How do I get a business page for my company/shop ?

Ans: business pages are included in all of our membership packages, so setting up a membership automatically allows you to get your very own business page.


SourceYourBOM is an advanced online B2B marketplace designed for the Ready-Made Garments & its backward linkage industries. It offers highly interactive & efficient sourcing & marketing services to both buyers & sellers of raw materials for product development & bulk production, commonly known as the Bill of Materials or BOM. Thought out in the difficult times of the 2020 pandemic and on the verge of a disrupted supply chain, a group of technology-savvy design & merchandising professionals challenged themselves to start-up this one-stop solution. We believe in contributing to the supply chain management efficiency of the most significant & leading Ready-Made Garments Industries in Bangladesh & thereof, the global economy. Launched in 2022, the SourceYourBOM team strongly believes in building a thriving Bangladesh. Let's take the leap into the future of business & grow together.


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